
Awesome IOT technology!!!an example

Hilton's IoT-filled 'Connected Room' will be a treasure trove of guest data


Peanut Packing A man is running a super market and he observes the pattern of customer buying peanuts in packs of 1 kg, 2 kgs, 3 kgs till N kgs. So based on the buying pattern and his observation he can price the packs of 1 kg, 2 kgs, ... N kgs  at rupees P(1), P(2), P(3), ... P(N) respectively. What is the maximum revenue he can earn when selling N kgs of peanuts based on the given pricing? Input Format: The first line contains N. The second line contains the integer value denoting the price for 1 kg pack, 2 kgs pack till N kgs pack with each value separated by a space. Output Format: The first line contains the maximum revenue he can earn by packing and selling the N kgs peanuts based on the given pricing. Boundary Conditions: 1 <= N <= 999 Example Input/Output 1: Input: 4 120 250 360 490 Output: 500 Explanation: While selling 4 kgs of peanuts, the maximum revenue of Rs.500 is obtained when he packs the 4 kgs as 2 kgs + 2kgs and sells them at Rs. 250 each. Example Input/O...

Ways to repay loan problem!!!

Question: Solution for this:

Find next greater number with same set of digits!!

// C++ program to find the smallest number which greater than a given number // and has same set of digits as given number #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; // Utility function to swap two digits void swap(char *a, char *b) { char temp = *a; *a = *b; *b = temp; } // Given a number as a char array number[], this function finds the // next greater number. It modifies the same array to store the result void findNext(char number[], int n) { int i, j; // I) Start from the right most digit and find the first digit that is // smaller than the digit next to it. for (i = n-1; i > 0; i--) if (number[i] > number[i-1]) break; // If no such digit is found, then all digits are in descending order // means there cannot be a greater number with same set of digits if (i==0) { cout << "Next number is not possible"; return; } // II) Find the smallest digit on rig...

AI is Becoming More Human Like Every Day!!

The advancement of AI technology is happening daily, and everyday robots are becoming more and more human-like. The problem is that not everything these bots learn is being put to good use and a …

JavaScript Arrays and Objects Are Just Like Books and Newspapers!!!

Objects are best when you want to organize based on data labels. When you read a newspaper, you likely do not read it front to back, page by page. You flip to a certain section based on the section’s … https://medium.freecodecamp. com/javascript-arrays-and- objects-are-just-like-books- and-newspapers-6e1cbd8a1746